Total Solar Eclipse 2017
Total Solar Eclipse 2017
A Word on the Eclipse, by Brandon Terry
Monday, August 21, 2017, a total eclipse swept through the continental United States. And not only did it turn the light of mid-day to darkness, not only did it make the business of mid-day downtown Columbia still, not only did it turn the heat of the Midlands to a cool summer’s breeze; but for two and a half minutes, there was one singular focus for most people in the city of Columbia and everyone else who lay in its path. It turned everyone’s eyes from what we were doing to the skies. It turned everyone’s eyes off of ourselves and to the heavens, to the sun. And all who saw were in wonder.
At the birth of the eclipse, in its totality, I felt within my bones the desire to yell out “Glory to God in the highest” (I just yelled “WHOOOWY” instead). But I wasn’t the only one. At the sight of that glorious corona, I heard the masses down at Finlay Park, out of what I assume to be disbelief and awe, as if they were unable to contain themselves, exclaim their joy at the sight.
The eclipse declared the glory of God, and the expanse declared his handiwork. Further, the brilliance of the sight of the moon covering the sun brought to mind the evil one’s attempt to the block the brilliance of the Son and how even in doing so, the beauty of Christ shines forth, perhaps more brilliantly than it would otherwise.
One day, like Eclipse Monday, everyone will be focused on one thing, but not just everyone in a particular city or a few cities, but the world will be fixated on the Son and every knee will bow and tongue confess that Jesus is Lord (willingly and unwillingly), and His light will be so brilliant that there will be no need for the sun nor the moon, “for the glory of God will be our light and the Lamb will be our lamp.”